Forecast speaking quý 1 2024

Forecast speaking quý 1 2024 part 2

Chủ đề cũ quý 3 2023

Describe a photograph that makes you feel happy

Link bài tham khảo : a photograph that makes you feel happy


Describe a place in your country that you are interested in

Link bài tham khảo: describe a place in your country


Describe a person who likes to cook for others

Link bài tham khảo : a person who likes to cook


Describe your favorite painting

Link tham khảo: describe your favorite painting


Describe a park/garden you have enjoyed visiting

Link tham khảo: describe a park


Describe a foreigner you know who speaks Vietnamese well

Link tham khảo: describe a foreinger


Describe someone who has new and interesting ideas or opinions

Link tham khảo: describe a person who has interesting ideas


Describe a period of time that changed your life

Link bài tham khảo: a period of time that changed your life


Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g running a family business)

Link tham khảo: describe a successful business person


Describe a person you have not met in person and would like to know more about

Link tham khảo: a person you have not met in person and would like to know more about


Describe a beautiful city that you have visited

Link tham khảo: describe a beautiful city


Describe a problem you have when you use computer

Link tham khảo: describe a problem with computer


Describe a party that you went to

Link tham khảo: Describe a party that you enjoyed


Describe a nice thing that you waiting for a long time

Link tham khảo:


Describe an activity that made you feel tired

Link tham khảo: Describe an activity that made you feel tired


Describe a time when you give advice to others

Link tham khảo: a piece of good advice that you gave to someone


Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work

Link tham khảo: Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work


Describe a science subject that you are interested in (Biology, Robotics,etc.)

Link tham khảo: describe a science subject


Describe a time you received bad service in restaurants/shops

Link tham khảo: describe a bad service


Describe a sportsperson that you admire

Link tham khảo: describe a sportperson


Describe an exciting activity that you experience

Link tham khảo: an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else


Describe a difficult task that you campleted at work/study that you felt proud of

Link tham khảo: describe a difficult task


Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful

Link tham khảo: describe a good advertisement


Describe a historical period you are interested in

Link tham khảo: describe a historial period


Describe a person you study or work with who is successful in his/her life

Link tham khảo: Describe a person

Forecast speaking quý 1 2024

Forecast speaking quý 1 2024

Describe an occasion when you used a map

an occasion when you used a map


Describe a movie that made you feel very strong after watching it

Describe a movie that made you feel very strong after watching it


Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining about something

Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining about something


Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently that makes you happy

Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently that makes you happy


Describe a street market you have been to

Describe a street market you have been to


Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager

Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager


Describe a useful object in your home that you can not live without it

Describe a useful object in your home that you can not live without it


Describe a life goal that you have had for a long time

Describe a life goal that you have had for a long time


Describe a time when you were very busy

Describe a time when you were very busy


Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on

Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on


Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work


Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home

Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home


Describe somethings lost by others but found by you

Describe somethings lost by others but found by you


Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved

Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved


Describe a time when you helped someone you worked or studied with

Describe a time when you helped someone you worked or studied with


Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot


Describe a time you wore a uniform for work or school

Describe a time you wore a uniform for work or school


Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school

Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school


Describe an important journey that was delayed

Describe an important journey that was delayed


Describe a peson who is good at teamwork

Describe a peson who is good at teamwork


A job that you do not like to do

A job that you do not like to do


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