Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

You should say

What it is
How are you learn it
When you do it
And explain how you feel about it

Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

Sample answer

One regular activity that I find crucial for both my studies and work is reading books, particularly in diverse genres like marketing and IT. This habit of mine involves exploring various authors and topics, which I usually do by dedicating time each day to read. I find that the best time for this is between 9 to 10 in the evening. This is the hour when I can relax after a day’s work and really focus on absorbing new information.

I have maintained this routine for many years now. What I do is, I select a range of books – sometimes related directly to my field of work, and at other times, something to broaden my general knowledge. This practice has been immensely beneficial. Not only does it help me unwind, but it also keeps me updated with the latest trends and developments in my profession. The knowledge I gain from these reading sessions is often directly applicable to my job, and I find myself regularly using insights from my readings in my day-to-day professional tasks.

I feel that this habit has played a significant role in my professional development. It keeps my mind sharp, enhances my creativity, and ensures that I’m always learning, growing, and improving in my field. The satisfaction of applying what I’ve read to real-world situations is immensely fulfilling. It’s a testament to the power of continuous learning and self-improvement

Useful vocab

  1. Crucial: Extremely important or necessary.
  2. Diverse genres: Various types or categories, especially in literature.
  3. Dedicating time: Allocating or setting aside a specific amount of time.
  4. Absorbing: Fully taking in information, understanding it thoroughly.
  5. Broaden: To expand or extend (in this context, knowledge).
  6. General knowledge: Information about various subjects.
  7. Immensely beneficial: Extremely helpful or advantageous.
  8. Unwind: Relax after a period of work or tension.
  9. Latest trends and developments: The most recent changes or advancements.
  10. Directly applicable: Able to be used or applied in a specific situation.
  11. Insights: Deep understanding or perception.
  12. Professional development: The process of acquiring skills and knowledge for career advancement.
  13. Sharp mind: Intellectually acute.
  14. Enhances creativity: Improves the ability to be creative.
  15. Continuous learning: Ongoing process of acquiring new knowledge or skills.
  16. Self-improvement: The process of improving oneself through such activities.
  17. Real-world situations: Practical or actual scenarios.

Forecast speaking from 1-4 2024

Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

Part 3 – Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

Do you think everyone routine is different?

Absolutely, everyone’s routine varies significantly due to their unique lifestyles, responsibilities, and preferences. People’s daily schedules are influenced by a multitude of factors like their job, family commitments, personal interests, and even their physical and mental health. For instance, a student’s routine is typically centered around academic schedules, whereas a working professional might have a routine revolving around office hours and work-related tasks. These differences in routines reflect the diverse nature of individual lives and priorities.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Varies: Differs in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class.
  2. Lifestyles: The way in which a person or group lives.
  3. Responsibilities: Duties or tasks that one is required or expected to carry out.
  4. Preferences: A greater liking for one alternative over another or others.
  5. Influenced by: Affected by or changed by something.
  6. Family commitments: Obligations related to family life.
  7. Personal interests: Individual hobbies or activities that one enjoys.
  8. Physical and mental health: The state of one’s bodily and psychological well-being.
  9. Academic schedules: Timetables related to educational studies.
  10. Working professional: A person who is employed in a specific profession.
  11. Office hours: The hours during which office work is done.
  12. Diverse nature: The quality of being different or varied.

Which jobs need a morning routine?

Jobs that require a morning routine are typically those demanding early starts, such as roles in healthcare, education, and transportation. Healthcare professionals, like nurses and doctors, often start their shifts early to provide continuous patient care. Teachers also need a structured morning routine to prepare for their classes and be ready to engage with students from the start of the school day. Similarly, those in transportation, like bus drivers or pilots, must adhere to strict schedules, making a morning routine essential for punctuality and safety.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Demanding: Requiring much skill or effort.
  2. Healthcare professionals: Individuals providing medical services.
  3. Shifts: Fixed periods of work time.
  4. Continuous patient care: Ongoing medical attention and treatment.
  5. Structured: Organized in a systematic way.
  6. Engage with students: Interact and connect with pupils.
  7. Transportation: The movement of people or goods from one place to another.
  8. Bus drivers: People who operate buses.
  9. Pilots: Individuals who fly aircraft.
  10. Adhere to: Follow or stick to rules or guidelines.
  11. Strict schedules: Precise and rigid time plans.
  12. Punctuality: Being on time.
  13. Safety: The condition of being protected from danger or risk.

Is a daily routine important?

Absolutely, a daily routine is vital for several reasons. It brings structure and discipline to our lives, helping us manage our time more effectively. A well-planned routine can reduce stress by removing the uncertainty of what needs to be done each day. Additionally, it can positively impact mental and physical health, as regular habits like exercise and proper meal times are established.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Vital: Absolutely necessary; of great importance.
  2. Structure: The arrangement or organization of something.
  3. Discipline: The practice of training oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way.
  4. Manage time: The process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities.
  5. Reduce stress: To lessen the physical or mental strain or tension.
  6. Uncertainty: The state of being unsure or not definite.
  7. Mental health: A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
  8. Physical health: The condition of a person’s body.
  9. Regular habits: Activities or behaviors that are done frequently and routinely.
  10. Exercise: Physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness.
  11. Proper meal times: Appropriate or set times for eating food.

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