Raising fuel cost is the most optimal method to solve environmental issue . To what extent do you agree or disagree? – writing task 2
Raising fuel cost is the most optimal method to solve environmental issue
Sample answer for raising fuel cost is the most optimal method to solve environmental issue
The assertion that raising the cost of petrol for cars and other vehicles is the optimal solution to the world’s environmental problems is a debating topic. While this measure can contribute to environmental protection, it is not a panacea and has limitations and potential negative implications.
To begin with, higher fuel prices can serve as a deterrent to excessive use of private vehicles, potentially leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. This can encourage the adoption of more environmentally friendly modes of transportation, such as public transit, cycling, or electric vehicles. In densely populated urban centers, where alternatives to personal vehicle use are more accessible, this approach can be particularly effective. However, in rural or less developed areas, where public transport is scarce, higher fuel costs can disproportionately affect lower-income groups, leading to social inequity.
On the other hand, increasing fuel cost cannot tackle all environmental issues. As a matter of fact, automobile emissions are not the exclusive culprits, but emissions from livestock farming and other industries are also significant contributors to pollution. This highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach to environmental conservation, one that addresses a wide range of pollutants and their origins. For instance, investing in renewable energy sources and implementing stricter regulations on industrial emissions are critical remedies towards a sustainable future. Furthermore, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing reliance on livestock farming can significantly lower methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas.
In conclusion, while escalating fuel prices may contribute to addressing environmental issues to some extent, the most efficacious strategy lies in incentivizing society to actively minimize harmful effects on our natural environment. This approach not only targets the issue of fuel consumption but also encourages a more conscious effort to protect our planet.
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Raising fuel cost is the most optimal method to solve environmental issue
Vocabulary to the topic Raising fuel cost is the most optimal method to solve environmental issue
- Optimal Solution (Tối ưu): The best possible solution or approach in a given situation.
- Most Efficacious Strategy (Chiến lược hiệu quả nhất): The strategy or plan that is the most effective and successful in achieving a desired outcome.
- Panacea (liều thuốc/biện pháp): A remedy or solution that is believed to cure all problems or difficulties.
- Modes of Transportation (Các phương tiện giao thông): Different methods or means of moving people or goods from one place to another.
- Environmentally Friendly Modes of Transportation (Các phương tiện giao thông thân thiện với môi trường): Methods of transportation that have a minimal negative impact on the environment.
- Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Giảm khí thải nhà kính): The act of lowering the release of gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming.
- Sustainable Agricultural Practices (Giải pháp nông nghiệp bền vững): Farming methods that can be maintained over the long term without harming the environment or depleting resources.
- Renewable Energy Sources (Nguồn năng lượng tái tạo): Energy sources that can be naturally replenished, such as solar or wind power.
- Methane Emissions (Khí thải methane): The release of methane gas into the atmosphere, often from sources like livestock or natural gas production.
- Potent Greenhouse Gas (Khí nhà kính mạnh): A gas that has a strong effect on trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
- Higher Fuel Prices (Giá nhiên liệu cao hơn): An increase in the cost of fuel used for vehicles.
- Excessive Use (Sử dụng quá mức): Using something more than what is necessary or appropriate.
- Social Inequity (Bất bình đẳng xã hội): Unfairness or inequality in society, often related to access to resources or opportunities.