In some countries, young people have become richer healthier and live longer but they are less happy. What are the causes? What can be done to address this situation

Sample for writing task 2

In our contemporary world, there exists a paradox that people experience lower levels of happiness despite being wealthier, healthier, and having a longer life expectancy The rise of technology could be a primary cause of this phenomenon, making it imperative for families and schools to take proactive measures to address this situation.

One primary cause of this decline in happiness is the ascent of digital technology. While technology has undeniably made life more convenient, it has also led to increased feelings of isolation and reduced face-to-face interactions. For instance, a considerable number of Japanese youth now dedicate extensive time to electronic devices like smartphones or computers after working hours. Unfortunately, this results in a significant lack of social interactions and diminished face-to-face communication. The majority of them fail to allocate time for social activities or clubs, which offer ample opportunities for communication—a fundamental need for human happiness. When individuals interact with others, they can share their feelings and life difficulties, resulting in reduced life stress, a factor leading to unhappiness.

To effectively counteract this phenomenon, the roles of families and schools are crucial in promoting social interactions. Firstly, families should educate children about the importance of interacting with others. It is vital for parents to spend time talking with their children every day to foster happiness within the family. They should also encourage their children to communicate with neighbors and peers, fostering connections with others. In addition to the family’s role, schools play a crucial part in the happiness of young individuals by facilitating social events or clubs for student participation. Organizing such activities, schools provide alternatives to spending excessive time in front of computers or other technological devices, promoting face-to-face interactions among students.

In conclusion, while the younger generation in some countries enjoys better health, wealth, and longevity, their levels of happiness are paradoxically lower. This situation can be mitigated by addressing the negative impacts of technology through proactive measures by families and schools.

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