Some people think that children should aim to do their best at whatever they are doing. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Sample essay

In a world increasingly driven by competition and achievement, the debate over how much we should encourage children to excel in all endeavors is considerable. While some worry about the potential stress and loss of childhood simplicity, I believe that encouraging children to give their best in their activities is crucial, as it lays a foundation for resilience and a positive work ethic, essential in today’s fast-paced world.

Critics of this approach highlight the potential negative impacts on children’s mental health. Constantly striving for the best can induce excessive pressure, leading to stress, anxiety, and a fear of failure. These consequences could unintentionally undermine a child’s life, as they may develop a fear of failure and lack motivation to take on new challenges. Furthermore, children might also miss out on the joys of childhood, which are essential for holistic development. If children are burdened with overly high goals, they might find themselves constantly struggling to achieve what they have set out to do, not having enough time to participate in joyful activities.

On the other hand, proponents of encouraging children to give their best argue that it is crucial to cultivate resilience, develop valuable skills, and establish a strong work ethic. In fact, setting high goals and then diligently working to achieve them can develop crucial skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving, which are essential in the modern competitive world. For example, some studies by Yale University have shown that students with clear goals and who try their best are 80% more likely to succeed not only in their private lives but also in their professional careers. Moreover, through failures in the process of achieving their goals, they can develop resilience to navigate through life’s difficulties.

In summary, while there are some negative impacts, children should be encouraged to strive for the best in their activities to be more successful in a fast-paced and competitive world.

Good lexical resources

  1. Driven by competition and achievement: This phrase effectively sets the context of the modern world, emphasizing the forces that influence children’s upbringing.
  2. Excel in all endeavors: A strong choice of words, ‘excel’ and ‘endeavors’ both are high-level vocabulary that accurately convey the idea of achieving excellence in various activities.
  3. Loss of childhood simplicity: This phrase captures the potential negative impact of excessive pressure on children in a nuanced way.
  4. Foundation for resilience and a positive work ethic: Here, ‘foundation’, ‘resilience’, and ‘positive work ethic’ are key terms that effectively convey the benefits of encouraging children to do their best.
  5. Induce excessive pressure: ‘Induce’ is a more sophisticated verb choice compared to more common alternatives like ’cause’.
  6. Undermine a child’s life: The verb ‘undermine’ is a strong choice, indicating the subtle and potentially harmful effects on a child’s life.
  7. Holistic development: A key term in developmental discussions, indicating an understanding of comprehensive growth.
  8. Cultivate resilience: ‘Cultivate’ is a high-level word choice, suggesting the careful development of resilience.
  9. Diligently working: ‘Diligently’ is an adverb that adds depth to the description of how children might work towards their goals.
  10. Critical thinking and problem-solving: These are specific skills that are highly valued in educational and professional contexts.
  11. Navigate through life’s difficulties: The verb ‘navigate’ adds a level of sophistication, suggesting a strategic approach to handling challenges.

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