Describe a vehicle that you would like to buy

You should say:

  • what type of vehicle it would be
  • lexus why you like it
  • for what purposes you will use this vehicle
  • and explain why you want to buy this vehicle.
Describe a vehicle that you would like to buy

Describe a vehicle that you would like to buy

Sample answer – Describe a vehicle that you would like to buy

The vehicle that I would like to buy is a Lexus. It’s a renowned brand for luxury and comfort, and I have always admired this brand for its attention to detail and commitment to quality.

I had an opportunity to experience Lexus during an interpreter trip. I am particularly drawn to Lexus because of its elegant design and superior performance. The interiors are plush and comfortable, and the exteriors are sleek and stylish. Moreover, Lexus vehicles are equipped with advanced technology and safety features, which add to their appeal.

I plan to use this vehicle for commuting to work. Even though the traffic conditions in Ho Chi Minh City are quite challenging, sitting in the car is cool, comfortable and safe. I can enjoy music and air conditioning. In addition, I would use it for long drives during weekends. I plan to take my children to the countryside more regularly to help them experience rural life.

The main reason why I want to buy a Lexus is because it is renowned for its durability. I do not need to worry much about faults or repairs. I can use it for many years which can save a lot of time and money as the quality of Lexus is exceptional. Moreover, a Lexus car is a symbol of success and achievement, and I believe that I have worked hard and deserve to reward myself with a vehicle of this caliber

English Word Word Form Vietnamese Translation Example Sentence
Vehicle Noun Phương tiện The vehicle that I would like to buy is a Lexus.
Synonymous Adjective Đồng nghĩa Lexus is a brand that is synonymous with luxury and comfort.
Admire Verb Ngưỡng mộ I have always admired this brand for its attention to detail.
Elegant Adjective Thanh lịch I am drawn to Lexus because of its elegant design.
Performance Noun Hiệu suất Lexus vehicles are known for their superior performance.
Interiors Noun Nội thất The interiors of Lexus vehicles are plush and comfortable.
Exteriors Noun Bên ngoài The exteriors of Lexus vehicles are sleek and stylish.
Commuting Verb Đi lại I plan to use this vehicle for commuting to work.
Challenging Adjective Thách thức The traffic conditions in Ho Chi Minh City are quite challenging.
Durability Noun Độ bền Lexus is renowned for its durability.
Faults Noun Lỗi I do not need to worry much about faults or repairs.
Exceptional Adjective Xuất sắc The quality of Lexus is exceptional.
Symbol Noun Biểu tượng A Lexus car is a symbol of success and achievement.
Achievement Noun Thành tựu A Lexus car is a symbol of success and achievement.
Caliber Noun Trình độ I deserve to reward myself with a vehicle of this caliber.

Ielts speaking part 2

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