Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports or music

  • what it is?
  • When did you discover it?
  • How do you want to improve it?
  • and explain how you feel about it?

Sample answer 1 to describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports or music

The natural talent I would like to improve is my ability to play the piano. I discovered this talent during my secondary school years when I had the opportunity to take a music class. I was drawn to the piano because of its rich sound and the wide range of music it can produce. I found that I had a knack for understanding musical notes and rhythms, and I enjoyed the challenge of learning new pieces.

To improve my piano playing skills, I plan to take lessons from a professional piano teacher. I believe that having a mentor can provide me with valuable feedback and guidance. I also plan to practice regularly, as consistency is key in mastering any skill. Additionally, I want to expose myself to a variety of music genres to broaden my repertoire and understanding of different musical styles.

As for how I feel about it, I am both excited and a bit apprehensive. I am excited because I love music and I am eager to improve my skills. I look forward to the satisfaction of being able to play complex pieces and express myself through music. On the other hand, I am apprehensive because I know that improving will require a lot of hard work and dedication. However, I am ready to put in the effort because I am passionate about playing the piano and I believe that the rewards will be worth it.

Useful vocab:

English Word Word Form Vietnamese Translation Example Sentence
Talent Noun Tài năng I discovered my talent for playing the piano in secondary school.
Opportunity Noun Cơ hội I had the opportunity to take a music class.
Repertoire Noun Vốn tiết mục biểu diễn I want to broaden my repertoire by learning different musical styles.
Apprehensive Adjective Lo lắng I am a bit apprehensive about the hard work required to improve my skills.
Dedication Noun Sự cống hiến Improving will require a lot of hard work and dedication.
Mentor Noun Người hướng dẫn Having a mentor can provide me with valuable feedback and guidance.
Consistency Noun Sự kiên trì I plan to practice regularly, as consistency is key in mastering any skill.
Genre Noun Thể loại I want to expose myself to a variety of music genres.
Satisfaction Noun Sự hài lòng I look forward to the satisfaction of being able to play complex pieces.
Express Verb Biểu đạt I can express myself through music.
Passionate Adjective Đam mê I am passionate about playing the piano.
Reward Noun Phần thưởng I believe that the rewards will be worth it.
Complex Adjective Phức tạp I want to be able to play complex pieces.
Mastering Verb Thành thạo Mastering any skill requires time and practice.
Variety Noun Sự đa dạng I want to expose myself to a variety of music genres.

Xem thêm: Ielts speaking part 2

Sample answer 2 – describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports or music

The natural talent I would like to improve is my ability to write poetry. I discovered this talent during my secondary school years when I found myself deeply moved by the beauty of words and their ability to express emotions and ideas. I remember writing my first poem for a school competition and receiving positive feedback from my teachers and peers. This experience sparked my interest in poetry and I’ve been writing ever since.

To improve my poetry writing skills, I plan to read books written by famous poets in Vietnam. I believe that by immersing myself in their work, I can gain a deeper understanding of the art form and learn from their techniques. I am particularly interested in exploring the themes and styles that are unique to Vietnamese poetry.

As for how I feel about it, I am both excited and nervous. Excited because I am passionate about poetry and I look forward to learning more about it. Nervous because I understand that mastering any art form requires time, patience, and a lot of practice. However, I am ready to embrace this journey with an open mind and a willing heart. I believe that with consistent effort and the right guidance, I can enhance my poetic talent and express myself more effectively through my poems.

English Word Word Form Vietnamese Translation Example Sentence
Talent Noun Tài năng I discovered my talent for writing poetry in secondary school.
Emotion Noun Cảm xúc Poetry has the ability to express emotions and ideas.
Competition Noun Cuộc thi I wrote my first poem for a school competition.
Feedback Noun Phản hồi I received positive feedback from my teachers and peers.
Technique Noun Kỹ thuật I can learn from the techniques of famous poets.
Theme Noun Chủ đề I am interested in exploring the themes in Vietnamese poetry.
Style Noun Phong cách I want to understand the styles that are unique to Vietnamese poetry.
Excited Adjective Phấn khích I am excited about learning more about poetry.
Nervous Adjective Lo lắng I am nervous because mastering any art form requires a lot of practice.
Master Verb Thành thạo Mastering any art form requires time, patience, and a lot of practice.
Journey Noun Hành trình I am ready to embrace this journey with an open mind and a willing heart.
Consistent Adjective Kiên trì With consistent effort, I can enhance my poetic talent.
Guidance Noun Hướng dẫn With the right guidance, I can express myself more effectively through my poems.
Enhance Verb Tăng cường I believe that I can enhance my poetic talent.
Effectively Adverb Hiệu quả I can express myself more effectively through my poems.

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