Writing task 1 japanese tourists travelling abroad

The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Australia’s share of the Japanese tourist market.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

writing task 1 japanese tourists travelling abroad

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Outline cho bài viết:

First sentence: paraphrase the question

Overview: Lượng khách du lịch Nhật đi nước ngoài tăng đều qua các năm + Phần trăm khách du lịch Nhật đến Úc cũng tăng

Body 1: Viết về bar graph

Body 2: Viết về line graph

Sample answer – writing task 1 japanese tourists travelling abroad

The bar chart outlines how many Japanese travelled overseas between 1985 and 1995 while the line graph delineates the percentages of these tourists who visited Australia in particular between 1985 and 1994.

Overall, the number of Japanese who made overseas travels soared and this is also true for the Australia visiting travelers from Japan.

As can be seen from the illustration, about 5 million Japanese citizens traveled abroad in 1985, with the number increasing each year except in 1991. From roughly 7 million tourists in 1987, the figure rose to 12 million in just six years. By 1995, around 15 million Japanese traveled to foreign countries, tripling the number from a decade earlier.

The line graph indicates that 2% of Japanese tourists visited Australia in 1985, with a steady rise leading to approximately 5% in 1988. Although there was a slight dip the following year, the percentage increased each subsequent year. In 1993, Australia welcomed over 6% of Japanese travelers, the highest recorded, which remained at exactly 6% in 1994.

Useful vocabulary – writing task 1 japanese tourists travelling abroad

  • Delineate/dɪˈlɪnieɪt/ mô tả chi tiết

Example: The report clearly delineates the steps that need to be taken.

  • Soar/sɔːr/tăng vọt

Example: The company’s profits have soared in recent years.

  • Illustration/ˌɪləˈstreɪʃən/minh họa

Example: The book includes many beautiful illustrations.

  • Slight dip/slaɪt dɪp/giảm nhẹ

Example: There was a slight dip in sales last quarter.

  • Approximately/əˈprɒksɪmətli/xấp xỉ

Example: The project will take approximately three months to complete.

  • Subsequent/ˈsʌbsɪkwənt/tiếp theo

Example: The subsequent events proved his theory wrong.

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