IELTS speaking part 1 cards and invitations

Do you often send cards?
Sample 1

Well, I’m a bit old-fashioned in that regard, I suppose. I do like to send cards, yes. There’s something rather special about taking the time to pick out a card, write a personal message, and pop it in the post. It’s more personal than a quick text or an email, don’t you think? Birthdays, Christmas, sometimes just to say hello to an old friend – it’s a small gesture, but I think it means a lot

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Personal Message: A message written for a specific person, conveying personal thoughts or feelings.
  2. Pop it in the post: British colloquialism for mailing something.
  3. More personal: Having a more intimate or individual quality.
  4. Birthdays: The anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration.
  5. Christmas: An annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated by billions around the world.
  6. Old friend: A friend known for a long time.
  7. Small gesture: A simple act that is done to show feelings or intentions.
  8. Means a lot: To be very significant or valuable to someone.
Sample 2

“Oh, sending cards? Well, back in my student days, I was quite diligent about it. You know, sending birthday cards, Christmas cards, the whole lot. But nowadays, I must admit, it’s fallen by the wayside a bit. Life gets busier,  And with social media and instant messaging, it’s just quicker to send a message. Still, there’s a bit of nostalgia about the whole card-sending process, but it’s not something I do much of these days.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Diligent: Showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
  2. Fallen by the wayside: To be neglected or forgotten.
  3. Busier: Having a lot of things to do; more occupied with activities.
  4. Social Media: Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking.
  5. Instant Messaging: A type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the internet.
  6. Quicker: Faster; taking less time.
  7. Nostalgia: A sentimental longing for the past.
  8. Card-sending process: The act of choosing, writing, and mailing greeting cards.
  9. Not much of: Not frequently; not often.
  10. Student days: The period in one’s life when they were studying at school or university.

On what occasions do you send cards

I tend to send cards mostly on the traditional occasions, really. Birthdays are a must – it’s always nice to acknowledge someone’s special day. Then, of course, there’s Christmas. I love sending festive greetings to friends and family. I also like to send cards for anniversaries, especially to celebrate significant milestones. And occasionally, if a friend needs cheering up or support, I’ll send a ‘just because’ card. It’s a small gesture, but I think it can mean a lot.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Traditional Occasions: Standard or common events for celebrating or acknowledging.
  2. Birthdays: The anniversary of the day on which a person was born.
  3. Acknowledge: To recognize or show respect for something.
  4. Festive Greetings: Messages sent during holidays or celebrations.
  5. Friends and Family: People who are close to you, either relationally or through friendship.
  6. Anniversaries: The yearly recurrence of a date marking a notable event.
  7. Significant Milestones: Important points or events in the life or development of a person or project.
  8. Cheering Up: Making someone feel happier or more cheerful.
  9. Support: Giving assistance or encouragement.
  10. ‘Just Because’ Card: A card sent for no specific occasion, just to communicate thoughts or feelings.
  11. Small Gesture: A simple act that may be small but is meaningful.
  12. Mean a Lot: To be very significant or valued by someone.

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IELTS speaking part 1 cards and invitations

IELTS speaking part 1 cards and invitations

Do you prefer to receive cards or emails?

Though emails are undoubtedly convenient for quick communication, I must admit I have a soft spot for traditional cards. There’s an undeniable charm in receiving a handwritten note through the post. Each time I glance at the cards I’ve received, they bring back vivid memories of those special occasions
  1. Undoubtedly: Without doubt; certainly.
  2. Convenient: Suitable for one’s comfort, purposes, or needs; easy to use.
  3. Quick Communication: Fast and efficient exchange of information.
  4. Soft Spot: A feeling of fondness or affection.
  5. Traditional Cards: Physical, non-digital cards, typically used for special occasions.
  6. Undeniable Charm: Irresistible or unmistakable appeal.
  7. Handwritten Note: A message written by hand, not typed or printed.
  8. Through the Post: Delivered by the postal service; via mail.
  9. Glance: To take a brief or hurried look.
  10. Vivid Memories: Clear, strong, and detailed recollections of past experiences.
  11. Special Occasions: Important events or celebrations that are often marked with ceremonies or festivities.

Is sending cards common in your country?

In Vietnam, sending cards is quite popular, especially for certain occasions. You see, during Tết, the Lunar New Year, it’s pretty common to exchange cards along with wishes for good fortune. Birthday cards are also popular, particularly among the younger crowd.

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Popular: Liked or admired by many people.
  2. Exchange Cards: The act of giving and receiving cards.
  3. Wishes for Good Fortune: Expressions of hope for someone’s success and happiness.
  4. Younger Crowd: Refers to the younger generation or younger people.
  5. Festivals: Public celebrations or gatherings for a specific purpose.

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