Describe an occasion that somebody or something was making a lot of noise

You should say:

Where you were
What you were doing
Who/what was making the noise
And explain how the noise affected you.

Sample answer

I vividly recall an instance that significantly disrupted my focus while I was preparing for my university entrance exam. This event took place in my house, which is usually a quiet and conducive environment for studying. On that particular day, I had dedicated my afternoon to revising crucial subjects, ensuring I was thoroughly prepared for the upcoming exams.

However, my concentration was severely challenged when my neighbor decided to indulge in a karaoke session. The walls did little to quieten the sound of their energetic, but out-of-tune, singing. Songs of various genres, sung with more passion than skill, echoed through my room, making it almost impossible for me to focus on my studies.

This incessant noise not only interrupted my train of thought but also brought a sense of frustration. Each time I tried to immerse myself in complex topics, the next song would start, pulling me away from my studies. It became increasingly difficult to maintain the level of concentration required for such intense preparation.

In the end, recognizing the importance of a peaceful study environment, I made the decision to move to my friend’s home to continue my learning. This change of location proved to be beneficial. It allowed me to regain my focus and ensure that my exam preparation was not compromised by external noise. This experience underscored the significance of adapting to unforeseen challenges and finding solutions to maintain my academic progress

Useful vocab

  1. Vividly: Clearly and with great detail.
  2. Disrupted: Disturbed or interrupted.
  3. Conducive: Providing favorable conditions.
  4. Dedicated: Committed and focused.
  5. Revising: Reviewing or studying again.
  6. Crucial: Extremely important or necessary.
  7. Concentration: The action of focusing all one’s attention.
  8. Severely: Very seriously or to a great extent.
  9. Indulge: Allow oneself to enjoy a pleasure.
  10. Quieten: Make or become quiet or quieter.
  11. Energetic: Full of energy and enthusiasm.
  12. Out-of-tune: Not in harmony or pitch.
  13. Genres: Categories or types, especially of art or music.
  14. Passion: Strong and barely controllable emotion.
  15. Echoed: Repeated or reverberated sound.
  16. Incessant: Continuing without pause or interruption.
  17. Frustration: Feeling of being upset or annoyed.
  18. Immerse: Deeply engage or involve oneself.
  19. Increasingly: More and more; gradually more.
  20. Peaceful: Free from disturbance; tranquil.
  21. Beneficial: Resulting in good; favorable.
  22. Regain: Obtain or secure something again.
  23. Compromised: Weakened or harmed.
  24. Unforeseen: Not anticipated or predicted.
  25. Challenges: Difficult tasks or problems.
  26. Solutions: Means of solving problems or dealing with difficult situations.
  27. Academic progress: Advancement in educational achievement.

Forecast speaking from 1-4 2024

occasion that somebody or something was making a lot of noise

occasion that somebody or something was making a lot of noise

Part 3 – Describe an occasion that somebody or something was making a lot of noise

What kinds of places should be noise-free?

Of course, it goes without saying that there’s quite a mixed variety of places that need to be free of noiseBut I guess the most important place would probably be hospitals because patients need rest to recover. Besides hospitals, libraries should definitely be noise-free. They’re like sanctuaries for readers and students who need peace to focus. And lastly, I’d say workplaces, especially offices, need a quiet environment for people to concentrate and get their work done without distractions.

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Sanctuaries: Places of refuge or safety.
  2. Readers: People who read, especially as a regular activity.
  3. Peace: Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
  4. Focus: Concentration on a task.
  5. Patients: Individuals receiving medical treatment.
  6. Recover: Return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.
  7. Concentrate: Focus one’s attention or mental effort.
  8. Distractions: Things that prevent someone from giving full attention to something else.

Can people bring children to these noise-free places?

Well, in actual fact, if I think about it, I suppose that in noise-free places like libraries or hospitals, it’s possible to bring children, but there are expectations for behavior. Firstly, in libraries, children are welcome as long as they’re taught to respect the quiet environment. Secondly, hospitals might have more restrictions, especially in certain areas, but generally, well-behaved children are allowed. Lastly, in professional settings like offices, it’s less common and usually only acceptable in specific circumstances.

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Generally: Usually; in most cases.
  2. Expectations: Beliefs or hopes about what should happen.
  3. Respect: Regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.
  4. Quiet environment: A place with little or no noise.
  5. Restrictions: Rules or regulations that limit what can be done.
  6. Areas: Specific locations or spaces.
  7. Well-behaved: Acting in a manner that is socially correct and polite.
  8. Professional settings: Workplaces or offices.
  9. Common: Usual or typical.
  10. Acceptable: Permissible or allowable.
  11. Specific circumstances: Particular situations or conditions.

Why can’t people make noise in a church?

In my opinion, I guess I would have to say that there are probably a number of factors involved. The key explanation is possibly because it’s a place of worship and reflection. The serene atmosphere helps individuals to focus on their prayers or spiritual thoughts. Noise can be disruptive to those seeking peace and contemplation within the church’s walls. Additionally, a further rationale might be due to the fact that, maintaining silence is a sign of respect for the religious practices and the sanctity of the church.

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Quiet: Free from noise or loud sounds.
  2. Worship: The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration.
  3. Reflection: Serious thought or consideration.
  4. Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  5. Atmosphere: The mood or feeling in a place.
  6. Focus: Concentrate attention or effort.
  7. Disruptive: Causing interruption or disturbance.
  8. Contemplation: Deep reflective thought.
  9. Sanctity: The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly.
  10. Respect: A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something.

What public morals should people follow in your country?

Well actually, there are several key public morals that people are expected to follow in my country. Yet imagine the most crucial moral is showing respect to others, regardless of their background or status. The reason is because this moral principle promotes harmonious relationships and social cohesion. Another important moral is honesty, which is seen as essential in maintaining trust in both personal and professional relationships. Additionally, being responsible for one’s actions and contributing positively to the community are also considered significant.

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Public morals: Standards of behavior generally accepted in a society.
  2. Respect: Consideration and regard for other people.
  3. Background: A person’s experience, education, and family history.
  4. Status: Social or professional position.
  5. Honesty: The quality of being truthful and sincere.
  6. Trust: Reliance on the integrity, strength, or ability of a person or thing.
  7. Personal relationships: Connections or interactions between individuals.
  8. Professional relationships: Associations between individuals in a work context.
  9. Responsible: Being accountable for one’s actions.
  10. Contributing: Giving (something, especially money or time) in order to help achieve or provide something.

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