Describe a time when someone apologised to you

You should say:
Who apologised you and When
Why they apologised
And explain how did you felt after they apologised

Sample answer to describe a time when someone apologised to you

I’d like to talk about a time when my friend, Minh, apologised to me. This happened about a year ago when we were both working on a group project for one subject.

Our teacher divided our class into many groups of five. Four close friends and I formed a group. Because I was the leader of the group, I divided the project into five parts. Each person was responsible for one part of the project. My friend Minh was responsible for one important task, but he couldn’t complete his task on time. This put our group in a difficult situation because the deadline was approaching, and we faced the risk of not completing the project on time. This would affect our academic performance

When Minh realised the predicament he had put us in, he immediately apologised to me and the rest of the group. He explained his situation and the reasons why he couldn’t complete his responsibilities.

After he apologized, I was disappointed, but we had no choice but to help him finish his task. However, the reason was that his father was ill, and he had to take care of his father in the hospital. We all understood his situation and helped him complete his part. Fortunately, we were able to finish it in one night and submit it on time. We all shared Minh’s difficulty and have remained close friends with him until now.

Useful vocab

Word Word Form Vietnamese Translation Example Sentence
Apologise Verb Xin lỗi Minh apologised to me for his delay.
Project Noun Dự án We were both working on a group project for our university course.
Leader Noun Lãnh đạo I was the leader of the group.
Divide Verb Chia I divided the project into five parts.
Responsible Adjective Chịu trách nhiệm Each person was responsible for one part of the project.
Task Noun Nhiệm vụ Minh was responsible for one important task.
Deadline Noun Hạn chót The deadline was approaching.
Risk Noun Rủi ro We faced the risk of not completing the project on time.
Academic Adjective Học thuật This would affect our academic performance.
Predicament Noun Tình thế khó khăn Minh realised the predicament he had put us in.
Disappointed Adjective Thất vọng After he apologized, I was disappointed.
Ill Adjective Ốm His father was ill.
Hospital Noun Bệnh viện He had to take care of his father in the hospital.
Fortunately Adverb May mắn Fortunately, we were able to finish it in one night.
Friends Noun Bạn bè We have remained close friends with him until now.

Ielts speaking part 2

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