Cooking ielts speaking

Do you enjoy cooking

Yes, I do enjoy cooking; it’s a delightful way to unwind after a long day. I love experimenting with different cuisines, which makes every meal an exciting adventure. However, on hectic days, cooking can feel a bit overwhelming. Overall, it’s a rewarding hobby that brings joy to both me and my family.

Useful Vocabulary

  1. Unwind: Relax after stress or tension.
  2. Cuisines: Styles of cooking.
  3. Exciting adventure: An engaging and dynamic experience.
  4. Hectic: Full of activity, or very busy and fast.
  5. Overwhelming: Very intense.
  6. Rewarding: Offering a sense of satisfaction or pleasure.
  7. Hobby: A regular activity done for enjoyment.
  8. Joy: A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

Do you like to cook for yourself or other people?

I definitely prefer cooking for others; there’s something truly gratifying about seeing friends and family enjoy my dishes. Cooking for myself is convenient, but it lacks the communal joy that comes with sharing a meal. When I cook for others, it feels like an expression of care and hospitality. Plus, it’s a great way to experiment with new recipes and get immediate feedback.

Useful Vocabulary

  1. Gratifying: Giving pleasure or satisfaction.
  2. Communal joy: Shared happiness among a group.
  3. Hospitality: Friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests.
  4. Convenient: Fitting in well with a person’s needs, activities, and plans.
  5. Expression: The process of making one’s thoughts or feelings known.
  6. Experiment: Try out new ideas or methods.
  7. Immediate feedback: Instant response or reaction.
  8. Dishes: The food served or contained in a dish.

Sample 2
Personally, I prefer cooking just for myself as it’s more relaxing and I can tailor the meal to my exact tastes. I find cooking to be a sort of meditative process, especially after a busy day. However, when friends come over, I usually opt for ordering food; it’s more about enjoying their company without the hassle of cooking. This way, we can all relax and focus on catching up rather than worrying about meal preparation.

Useful Vocabulary

  1. Meditative: Inducing a state of calm and relaxation.
  2. Tailor: To make or adapt for a particular purpose or person.
  3. Hassle: Inconvenience or trouble.
  4. Opt for: Choose, select.
  5. Catching up: Exchanging recent news or information.
  6. Meal preparation: The process of planning and cooking meals.
  7. Relaxing: Reducing tension or anxiety.
  8. Enjoying their company: Taking pleasure in being with others.
cooking ielts speaking

cooking ielts speaking

What kind of food can’t you cook?

Honestly, I find traditional Vietnamese dishes like Pho and Bun Bo quite challenging to cook. The complexity lies in achieving the perfect balance of flavors, especially the rich, aromatic broth of Pho. With Bun Bo, getting the right texture for the noodles and the spiciness of the broth is a skill I’m yet to master. These dishes require a level of culinary finesse that I’m still working on developing.

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Challenging: Difficult, requiring significant effort or skill.
  2. Complexity: The state or quality of being intricate or complicated.
  3. Aromatic broth: A flavorful liquid made by simmering spices and ingredients.
  4. Texture: The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance.
  5. Spiciness: The quality of being flavored with or containing strong spices.
  6. Culinary finesse: Skill and refinement in cooking.
  7. Balance of flavors: The harmonious combination of different tastes.
  8. Master: Become very skilled at something.

Sample 2

I must admit, I find baking particularly challenging. It requires precision and patience, especially with measurements and timing, which isn’t really my strong suit. I’m more comfortable with cooking where there’s room for improvisation. So, intricate pastries or delicate desserts are usually beyond my culinary comfort zone.

Do you think cooking is a way to reduce stress?

Absolutely, I do believe cooking can be a wonderful stress reliever. It’s a creative outlet that allows for a mental break from the day’s hustle and bustle. The rhythmic nature of chopping and stirring, and the focus required, can be quite meditative. Plus, the satisfaction of creating a delicious meal brings a sense of accomplishment that’s very soothing.

Useful Vocabulary

  1. Stress reliever: Something that reduces mental or emotional tension.
  2. Creative outlet: A means of expressing one’s creative energy and ideas.
  3. Mental break: A pause from mental activity to relax.
  4. Hustle and bustle: Busy and noisy activity.
  5. Rhythmic: Having a patterned beat.
  6. Meditative: Inducing a state of contemplation or reflection.
  7. Focus: Concentrated attention or effort.
  8. Satisfaction: Fulfillment of one’s wishes or needs.
  9. Accomplishment: The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.
  10. Soothing: Having a calming or comforting effect.

Sample 2
In my opinion, cooking can indeed be a form of stress reduction. It’s like an escape where I can channel my energy into something productive and creative. The process of measuring, mixing, and seasoning requires focus, which helps clear my mind from daily worries. And there’s a real sense of tranquility in the aromas and the warmth of the kitchen, which I find very calming.
Mindset for ielts 2

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