Convenient store ielts speaking part 1

 How often do you shop at convenience stores?

I pop into convenience stores quite regularly, I’d say. They’re just so handy for grabbing essentials when I’m short on time. I probably visit one at least once a week, especially if I need to pick up something quickly like snacks or drinks. They’re not great for big shopping trips, but for small items, they’re perfect.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Regularly: At frequent intervals; often.
  2. Handy: Convenient; useful and easy to use.
  3. Essentials: Basic, necessary items.
  4. Short on Time: Having very little time to spare.
  5. Pick Up: To buy or obtain something.
  6. Snacks: Small amounts of food eaten between meals.
  7. Drinks: Beverages.
  8. Big Shopping Trips: Large, extensive purchases, usually for groceries or other household items.
  9. Small Items: Minor or less significant things.
  10. Perfect: Completely suitable for a particular situation or purpose.

Are convenient stores popular in your country?

Oh, yes, convenience stores are incredibly popular in my country. They’re practically on every corner in the city, and even in smaller towns, you’ll find a few. People rely on them for quick purchases, be it late-night snacks or everyday essentials. Their ease of access and the variety they offer make them a go-to choice for many.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Incredibly Popular: Extremely well-liked or widely used.
  2. Practically: Almost; nearly.
  3. Quick Purchases: Buying things in a short amount of time.
  4. Late-Night Snacks: Food items bought or consumed late in the evening.
  5. Everyday Essentials: Basic daily necessities.
  6. Ease of Access: The quality of being easy to approach, reach, or use.
  7. Variety: A range of different things.
  8. Go-To Choice: A preferred or commonly selected option.

Sample 2

In Vietnam, convenience stores are becoming increasingly popular, especially in urban areas. They’re sprouting up everywhere, from bustling city centers to quieter neighborhoods. People often turn to them for quick shopping needs, whether it’s grabbing a snack or picking up basic groceries. Their 24/7 availability and the range of products they offer make them a favorite among locals.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Increasingly Popular: Gaining more popularity over time.
  2. Urban Areas: Cities and towns where there is higher population density.
  3. Sprouting Up: Appearing or emerging quickly in various places.
  4. Bustling City Centers: Busy and lively central parts of a city.
  5. Quick Shopping Needs: The requirement to purchase items in a short amount of time.
  6. Grabbing a Snack: Picking up a small amount of food to eat, often quickly or on the go.
  7. Basic Groceries: Fundamental food and household items necessary for everyday life.
  8. 24/7 Availability: Open and accessible all day and night, every day of the week.
  9. Range of Products: A variety of items available for purchase.
  10. Favorite Among Locals: Well-liked or preferred by the people living in a particular area.

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Convenient store ielts speaking part 1

Convenient store ielts speaking part 1

What kind of items are often sold in your local convenience stores?

Our local convenience stores are stocked with a bit of everything, really. You’ll find your everyday essentials like bread, milk, and eggs, alongside snacks and drinks. They also carry a small selection of toiletries and household goods, which is pretty handy. And, of course, there’s always a rack of magazines and newspapers for a quick read.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Stocked: Supplied or filled with items.
  2. Everyday Essentials: Basic items necessary for daily life.
  3. Snacks and Drinks: Small food items and beverages often consumed between meals.
  4. Toiletries: Personal care items like toothpaste, soap, and shampoo.
  5. Household Goods: Items used within the home for everyday tasks.
  6. Handy: Convenient and useful.
  7. Rack: A framework or shelf for holding or displaying items.
  8. Magazines and Newspapers: Periodical publications containing articles, news, and other content.
  9. Quick Read: Something that can be read rapidly or easily.

Are items in convenient stores more expensive in your country?

In general, items in convenience stores here do tend to be a bit pricier. You’re paying for the convenience, after all – being able to pop in and out quickly. For basic groceries or snacks, you might pay a little more than in a supermarket. But the trade-off for the higher prices is the ease of access and the round-the-clock availability.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Pricier: More expensive.
  2. Convenience: The state of being able to do something easily or without much effort.
  3. Pop In and Out: To enter and leave a place quickly.
  4. Basic Groceries: Fundamental food items needed for everyday living.
  5. Snacks: Small portions of food eaten between meals.
  6. Supermarket: A large self-service store selling foods and household goods.
  7. Trade-Off: A balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features.
  8. Ease of Access: The quality of being easy to reach or enter.
  9. Round-the-Clock: Available all day and night; continuously.

Sample 2

In Vietnam, items at convenience stores do tend to be a tad more expensive than in regular markets or supermarkets. It’s mainly because they offer the perk of being open 24/7 and are super accessible. So, for a quick snack or emergency purchases, you’re paying a bit extra for the convenience. Generally, for everyday shopping, people might prefer local markets for better deals.”

Useful Vocabulary:

  1. Tad: Slightly; a small amount.
  2. Perk: An advantage or benefit.
  3. 24/7: All day and night, every day of the week.
  4. Super Accessible: Very easy to reach or enter.
  5. Quick Snack: A small and fast food item to consume.
  6. Emergency Purchases: Items bought suddenly in urgent situations.
  7. Extra: Additional; more than usual.
  8. Everyday Shopping: Regular purchasing of daily necessities.
  9. Local Markets: Marketplaces within a community offering various goods.
  10. Better Deals: More favorable or advantageous offers or prices.

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